Submissions Wanted: Gentrification Bingo

March 17, 2008 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic, Williamsburg 

La Corcoran on Bedford

Last weekend I did something I had not done in a long time: allow my husband to go to Williamsburg. I have made it a habit to bar Mr. Heather from accompanying me to this neighborhood because he will invariably get in a fit of pique, start grumbling about hipsters and I end up having to tell him to shut up. Repeatedly.

Last Friday night we discarded our usual habit of staying home in favor of going out to dinner in the mighty B-Burg. Wishing to prevent and/or mitigate any behavioral problems on the part of the Mister, I concocted a cunning plan: as a child I went on many a road trip. One of the activities my parents provided to keep me entertained (and out of their collective hair) was “travel Bingo”. I am certain a number of you know what I am talking about. If you see a red truck (for example) everyone checks it off. You see a stop sign, it gets checked off —and so forth until someone gets five in a row and calls “bingo”. Which brings me to how I kept Mr. Heather occupied.

Gentrification Bingo: a game the hoi polloi can play while walking through gentrified ghettos which were once “neighborhoods”. As we strolled the streets of Williamsburg in search of kibble we called out artifacts that define gentrification. By the evening’s end we netted approximately twenty such items which I carefully noted on the back of an old ATM receipt. Here are a few examples:

  • Illegally parked SUV
  • Thai Restaurant
  • Building designed by Karl Fischer (or Robert Scarano)
  • Self-absorbed 20 somethings on cell phones babbling/sending text messages
  • Viral marketing posing as street art
  • Unattended small children (What business does a toddler have roaming around at 8:30 p.m. on a Friday night? Seriously?)
  • Stop Work Order
  • Luxury artist loft
  • Corcoran (depicted above)
  • Homicidal taxi driver

Hence the purpose of this post: I wish to produce actual bingo cards, take them and a few good friends to various neighborhoods, play a round or two of “Bingo” and document the results. As I have previously mentioned, I have roughly twenty items. In order to produce bingo cards I will undoubtedly need quite a few more. Methinks about fifty. At least.

If anyone out there wishes to tender suggestions for this noble cause they can be submitted via comments or email at:

missheather (at) newyorkshitty (dot) com

It is my intention to have these cards designed by the end of the week (so I can post a sneak preview here on New York Shitty). Any and all ideas, feedback and constructive criticism will be greatly appreciated.

We may not be able to turn the tide of homogenization and luxurification afflicting our fair borough —but that doesn’t mean we can’t get a few laughs at their expense. The time for Gentrification Bingo has come New York Shitty. Let’s make this happen!

Miss Heather

Saturday Night: New York Shitty Style

March 17, 2008 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

I imagine quite a few of you are eagerly watching the clock and busy making plans to celebrate the day of St. Patrick. I considered going out to celebrate this great holiday myself (after all one of the core requirements of living in Greenpoint and liking it is having a fondness for drunken hooliganism) but have since thought the better of it. This is not due to lack of interest or love for the Irish (and the many contributions they have made to this city). Rather, Mr. Heather has seen fit to do the celebrating for me.

Last week the Mister had to work second shift at his job. While not happy about this arrangement he understood it was necessary given his line of work (I.T.) and towed the company line. This workload rotation also entailed he report to work the following Saturday. And work he did: until 7:00 p.m. Upon packing everything up Mr. Heather called me on my cell: he is going to go out to dinner and “blow off some steam”.

It was about 1:30 in the morning when he arrived home. Not only was he in a rather festive mood, but he also bore a present for yours truly: six loaves of bread.


Mr. Heather: I am a good husband, see I brought you some bread. (giggling)
Miss Heather: Why do you have six loaves of bread?
Mr. Heather: Because I am a good husband. You always complain that I never help with the grocery shopping. Well here you go. I got you some bread. (more giggling)
Miss Heather: It is 1:30 Sunday morning. Are you trying to be Jesus Christ or something? If so shouldn’t you have brought home some fish too?

Mr. Heather thought this was hilarious. In fact, he found a great number things quite funny. Like Eliot Spitzer’s latest fall from grace, for example.

Mr. Heather: How much for a blow job?
Miss Heather: What?
Mr. Heather: How much for a blow job?
Miss Heather: Fuck off.
Mr. Heather: I want to know how much a blow job costs.
Miss Heather: I dunno, why don’t you ask our former governor?

It was at this moment I realized what it must have been like to entertain client #9. Save of course the person making the solicitation was not the Governor of New York, there was no way in hell I was going to net $3,000 from this “transaction” and these “negotiations” were coming to pass in a living room in Greenpoint, Brooklyn. No four star hotels in D.C. or airline tickets for me. Women of my station get courted with six loaves of bread.

Come to think of it, I think Mr. Heather (as merry with drink as he was) might have been onto something: had Mr. Spitzer paid his own wife for sexual favors he wouldn’t have found himself in such a pickle. This having been said, I was tiring of the Mister’s shenanigans and after some none-too-subtle encouragement on my part he finally realized that what he really needed was sleep. To this end I assisted him on his journey to the boudoir (which was sort of like a toothpick propping up an elephant). I am pleased to report nothing whatsoever was broken. Except some bread.

The next day I recalled a story I had read recently from the September 19, 1902 edition of the Brooklyn Daily Eagle. While not a St. Patricks story per se, it does involve Greenpoint, drunken chicanery and five foot five inch tall police officer taking a seven foot tall 300 pound reveler to the drunk tank. Enjoy!

9/19/1902 BDE

Not surprisingly, Mr. Heather sported the “honest blood of shame” when he finally arose Sunday afternoon.

Miss Heather

Happy St. Paddy’s Day From Greenpoint!

March 17, 2008 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 


This impish (and downright Orwellian) little leprechaun can be found on Franklin Street.

Erin Go Bragh!

On Guernsey Street even man’s best friend has gotten into the St. Paddy’s Day spirit!

Hausman Street

But the mother of all St. Patrick’s decor can be found on Hausman Street just north of Meeker Avenue.

Hausman Street 2

As you can see, this home owner has spared no expense.

St. Paddy’s Day Tree

What’s more, he (or more likely, she) may very well be in possession of the world’s only St. Paddy’s Day tree. I wonder what he (and by “he” I mean St. Patrick himself— or better yet— Sinn Fein Santa) leaves in your stocking if you’ve been naughty?

Or protestant?

Miss Heather

Greenpoint Photo du Jour: Howie’s Ashtray

March 16, 2008 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

Howie’s Ashtray

From Norman Avenue.

Miss Heather

Williamsburg Photo du Jour: Condoburg

March 16, 2008 ·
Filed under: Williamsburg 

Fuck Condoburg

From the construction fence fronting the “Finger Building” on North 7th Street.

Miss Heather 

Greenpoint Photo du Jour: Bridal Suite

March 15, 2008 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

As some of you are aware I was recently in a show curated by the proprietress of Found In Brooklyn at Freddy’s Backroom. A number of people (who did not attend the opening) have inquired as to what I submitted. I will finally endeavor to answer that question today.

After racking my brain the entire month of December and much of January I finally had my long-awaited eureka moment. When Mr. Heather arrived home from work on that most auspicious evening, I told him the good news: I know what I am going to do. And of course with the good news came the bad: we need to go to Calyer Street STAT— and to be sure to put on some clothing you don’t mind getting filthy. Surprisingly enough, he did not ask a single question and complied with my wishes.

Once we had completed this mission successfully it was time for stage 2:

  1. Locating a Siamese hydrant located a short distance from the ground.
  2. Acquiring a matching pair of thong underwear and pasties.

It took a while and I encountered many a setback, but in the end it all came together.

Bridal Suite

Have you ever carried a 40 pound tree stump down McGuinness Boulevard? If you are wondering what it is like ask my husband.

Miss Heather

TODAY: Apartment Sale

March 15, 2008 ·
Filed under: Williamsburg 

Huge Sale

I found this flier while walking home last night and being a person whose apartment is furnished in large part due to apartment sales, felt it was worth a mention.

“Huge Sale”
179 N.  10 Street  #1
Brooklyn, New York 11211
Days: March 15 & 16
Times: 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Check it out!

Miss Heather

Williamsburg Photos du Jour: God Bless America

March 15, 2008 ·
Filed under: Williamsburg 

Adults Only

This work of art hails from (where else?) North 6 Street. Shortly after taking this photo I rather large drunk man groused at me because I was impeding access to his pick-up truck. Once he fired it up he revved the engine several times for everyone’s edification. Unimpressed, I announced:

(Measuring out 3 inches with my thumb and forefinger) His peenie is this big! Cocksucker.

Two New York City police officers standing nearby thought this was hilarious.

God Bless America

Speaking of size matters, I found this motor vehicle parked on Kent Avenue. Wondering exactly what kind of person would drive a minivan festooned with the stars and stripes, I took a peek at the license plates. They were from (drumroll)…


You know what they say: everything’s bigger in Texas.

Miss Heather

Bushwick Photo du Jour: Ghost Dog

March 14, 2008 ·
Filed under: Bushwick 

Missing on Melrose Street

From Melrose Street.

Miss Heather

Bed-Stuy Pay Phone du Jour: Broadway

March 14, 2008 ·
Filed under: Bed-Stuy 

Broadway Pay Phone

You may not get a dial tone at this pay phone but someone was thoughtful enough to leave a delicious can of Ensure for your delectation. Yummy.

Miss Heather

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