The Word On The Street: AMEN!

TRUTH! nys

I have seen a great deal of graffiti over the years. This is arguably one of if not the most brilliant of the lot. The message in and of itself is a winner, but what really puts this missive over the top is its placement: Lorimer Street at Bedford Avenue. Anyone who is familiar with this area can attest a great deal of drinking (both legally sanctioned and otherwise) comes to pass in this area. I have never seen Jesus among the quaffers— but who really knows? The ways of the son of god are mysterious! Bravo, anonymous hooligan. WELL DONE!

The Word On The Street: Information

August 18, 2015 ·
Filed under: 10003, East Village, East Village Manhattan, The Word On The Street 

The Age of Information nys

From East 4 Street.

The Word On The Street: Big White Cock

August 17, 2015 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

Dick Basketball Court Vincent V Abate Playground NYS

Big White Cock Basketball Court at Vincent V Abate Playground nys

Anyone who may be in search of one (and you know who you are) swing by the Vincent V. Abate Playground’s basketball court, which is where I found these delightful missives. In closing, during today’s sojourn of our parks/open spaces here in the 11222 I encountered much evidence of merry-making. A great deal of which was clearly not the handiwork of children

Greenpoint Feral Furniture Watch: Special Parks Edition

August 17, 2015 ·
Filed under: 11222, Feral Furniture, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

Feral furniture McGolrick Park August 17 2015 NYS

Anyone in the market for a comfy chair take notice: this rather comfy model presently graces McGolrick Park.

Feral furniture McGoltick Park August 17 2015 NYS

Be advised, however, it is a bit of a “fixer-upper”. I am not even going to venture as to what it may sport in the way of “value-added”/”inhabitants”…




From The New York Shitty Photo Pool: Coney Island Culo

August 15, 2015 ·
Filed under: Brooklyn, Coney Island, Coney Island Brooklyn, New York City 

Coney Culo

Taken by Pajarita Frenetica.

The Word On The Street: Astor Place

Astor Place 8152015 nys

Taken August 15, 2015.

Greenpoint Photos Du Jour: Old Glory

August 14, 2015 ·
Filed under: 11222, Dog Shit, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Hooliganism 

Fellow taking a photo turd with American flag nys

Old Glory as discovered on Freeman Street nys

Before anyone asks, no I am not responsible for this act of hooliganism (which hails from a tree pit on Freeman Street).

(Taken August 14, 2015.)

New York Shitty Video Du Jour: The Shit They Don’t Show You On “Girls”

August 13, 2015 ·
Filed under: 11222, Culture War, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Wow, WTF 

Something interesting happened on Manhattan Avenue yesterday evening. NOTE: This video contains “language”. So if you are work and do not want a summons from your Human Resources Department exercise caution. Conversely if you DO want HR to pay you a visit, play this good and loud. It contains pretty something to offend everyone. Happy Thursday!

From The New York Shitty Photo Pool: Feral Furniture

August 10, 2015 ·
Filed under: 10002, 10003, Feral Furniture, Urban Artifact 


Taken by David Sierra.

The Word On The Street: And Now This Word From A Grumpy Cat Owner

August 10, 2015 ·
Filed under: 11106, Astoria, Astoria Queens, New York City, Queens, The Word On The Street 

Grumpy cat owner NYS

This find hails from Broadway in Astoria, Queens and comes courtesy of Larry Auerbach. Happy Monday!

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