New York Shitty Street Seating Du Jour: Ingenuity

There is genius and then there is GENIUS. This creation (which hails from Spanish Harlem where I went on a photo walk with the immensely talented Steven R. Hazlett today) falls into the latter category.

The elegance of this arrangement is truly stunning: cantilevered seating courtesy of NYPD barricades. Initially these chaps couldn’t understand why I, some dotty 30-something Greenpointer, was so fascinated by their creation. Once I explained respectfully (and made it clear they would not be in the New York Daily News) they had plenty to say.

The gent on the right claimed credit for this creation— and stated that the NYPD gives him plenty of guff about it. He told yours truly they come by regularly and roust him from his “bench”. Because it is their property. He then pointed to a NYPD squad car across the street and exclaimed:

There they are. Can’t you see them hating me?!?

I can’t honestly say I did. See hating. Then again, I suspect the NYPD would refrain from “hating” on these guys while a white chick with a camera is talking to them. In any case, street seating of this caliber demands a serious New York Shitty salute. Here it is. This one’s for you!

Miss Heather

P.S.: I will be rounding out today’s postage with a slide show of highlights from my sojourn in Spanish Harlem. Stay tuned!


10 Comments on New York Shitty Street Seating Du Jour: Ingenuity

  1. Lisanne! on Thu, 29th Jul 2010 8:14 am
  2. Innovative use of these barriers, which so often are left behind after their useful period.

  3. bestviewinbrooklyn on Thu, 29th Jul 2010 11:52 am
  4. You know, since the City is all about artsy bike racks and fancy bus shelters lately, maybe starting a campaign of benches based on objects meant for other purposes would go over well. I love that shade of blue, and some orange cones (placed upside down, hopefully) would contrast nicely.

    […] those blue NYPD street barricades into benches in Spanish Harlem [NY […]

    […] Turning Police Barricades into Benches Photo of barricade bench by NY Shitty […]

  5. NYPD DIY HGTV in Harlem « on Thu, 29th Jul 2010 2:05 pm
  6. […] Source 40.807879 -73.945415 […]

    […] hate her, she loves the haters, the queen of all internet media, citizen journalist extraordinaire miss heather // Tags: benches, nyc, NYPD, police, police barricades, street […]

    […] Source – NewYorkShitty […]

  7. missheather on Fri, 30th Jul 2010 5:32 pm
  8. @ BVIB: It’s funny you mention this because I recently I had a very good idea. After noting how a number of stations along the 6 have been refurbished with public art (you know, the MTA’s 1%— or is it 2%— for art program) I came up with a proposal I’d like to submit. It more or less goes like this: I get to makeover (or makeunder) a subway station to make it look like 21st Street stop on the G:

    Just imagine the sights, sounds and smells I could employ to give subway goers that authentic New York City experience? Hell, we could just move 21st street, tile by filthy tile, puddle by puddle; stalactite by stalactite to Manhattan. It’ll be a veritable feast of the senses!

    […] hack, was seen in Spanish Harlem and featured by Miss Heather on the great NewYorkShitty Blog. Seems the N.Y.P.D barricade set is quite the versatile hack material. The super cool ingenuity of […]

    […] the originating blog says, “There is genius and then there is GENIUS.” I couldn’t agree […]

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