Real Estate Rhetoric Explained: One Hunters Point

May 31, 2009 by
Filed under: Long Island City, Queens 

likearocketI have long wrestled with exactly what the fuck the advertising wizard were getting at with this advertising campaign (as shown to the left).

Commute like a rocket

might seem pretty snappy on paper, but in reality it sounds kind of stupid. I suppose they’re were trying to get at how fast one can get into Manhattan from this location. Or are they? Being from a particular generation whose memories of space travel are less than cheerful I have my doubts.

On that note I am pleased to announce that I walked by One Hunter’s Point yesterday evening. And I think I have finally found the answer.


Meet the on-site sales office for One Hunter’s Point.


Now meet the rather unconventional sales tool located across the street.


I wonder if a defective O ring was to blame?




Miss Heather


One Comment on Real Estate Rhetoric Explained: One Hunters Point

  1. dc108 on Sun, 7th Jun 2009 4:46 pm
  2. I just drove past this last night and, as gruesome as these pics are, they don’t do this wreck justice.

    The juxtaposition job of this car and it’s street location is still hysterical. Nice catch.

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