Presenting “If It Ain’t Fixed, Break It”

As many of you have undoubtedly noticed the bloggage has been spare/sporadic of late. There are several reasons for this:

1. I have been out and about enjoying the sights, sounds and of course smells this fine city has to offer— between the rain storms anyway.
2. My little snow globe enterprise has taken off. Not only have I sold four of them, but making them is so darned fun— which brings me to why I am writing this post. I have recently completed a real doozy. Without further ado, here it is!

Here comes the G small


Adrift 600

Front 600

Bring in the clowns 600

I do not think an explanation is necessary. Anyone who rides the Crosstown Local— especially during rush hour— can attest that this representation is not terribly far off the mark. Well I suppose the goats, pigs and geese were a flight of fancy by yours truly— but I think we can all agree their presence enhances the final product considerably. Same goes for the 12-15 loose souls who float around this snow globe. I have no idea how many “little people” inhabit this dystopia. This is rather apropos as the MTA does not seem to know that the G has a serious ridership issue. One which, if not addressed soon and in a realistic fashion, will only get worse once the waterfront is developed. Of course to simply place all the blame on the MTA is to let our elected officials/”public servants” off the hook. They too have their share of responsibility to shoulder. Let us not forget this.

Moving forward I believe a “G Train Sprint” snow globe is in order. I envision horde of patrons running for that last car. Will they make it? Methinks we all know the answer to that question. Naturally I will share its progress here and on flickr. In closing I would like to give a big ol’ shout out to fellow Greenpointer and all around cool lass Jilly Ballistic for the title (because she was the one who coined it!). Thanks!

P.S.: This one goes out to Community Board Chairman Christopher Olechowski who, upon exiting the Swinging Sixties Seniors Center as ex-Chairman Tuesday night, had this to say:

If you don’t like the development you can just move out of the neighborhood.

Right back at ya, bro. It is just this kind of “I have gotten mine so the rest of you can go fuck yourself” thinking that has made north Brooklyn what it is today. Good riddance.


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