New York Shitty Photos Du Jour: Where The Rainbow Ends
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Stuff That Makes Miss Heather Happy
We got a nice clip of rain this afternoon, but as the Mister and I were having dinner at Casanova’s this evening the sun finally reemerged. The owner of Casanova’s went outside to take a look. I joined him.
Looking for rainbows?
I asked.
He said that, in fact, he was not but— suggested that perhaps one could be seen to the west. I disagreed:
No, it will be over there (pointing east, towards our splendid waste water treatment facility).
I went around the corner and guess what?
I was right! I went inside, grabbed my camera and hauled ass to Provost Street. The proprietor of Casanova’s was quite amused by this. To wit, I replied:
I know my shit.
If you look carefully, gentle readers, you will notice the faint trace of a second rainbow emanating from the “poop stack”. I gleefully advised the Mister of this discovery, observing:
It’s there because that’s where dreams come from!
Because of course, it is. Closing on a (downright uncanny) note of dreams, rainbows and the Shit Tits, today I completed my first (but definitely not last) Greenpoint-themed snow globe. I proudly present Superfund Me!
A big New York Shitty shout out goes to the owner of Casanova’s for keeping my pizza in the over while I went forth to chase rainbows. I just love rainbows…
This post is dedicated to Christine Holowacz who, I have learned, will be leaving her position as the Newtown Creek Monitoring Committee community liaison for the greener pastures of the Koscuiszko Bridge Project!
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