Greenpoint Photos Du Jour: Water Tower

March 15, 2014

March 20, 2014

As you can see, gentle readers, something has come to pass in the last few days. Follows are a few thoughts:

  1. This is one of my favorite landmarks in Greenpoint. In fact one of my all time favorite photos I have ever taken is of this water tower.
  2. This pisses me off. Big time.
  3. I suspect a number of the folks reading this list agree with the previous two points.
  4. Some may find prodigal penises (penii?) hanging from telephone lines offensive. I respect their opinion. However, let’s face facts: a. it does not entail destruction of property b. it is not taking a crap on someone else’s culture.
  5. I do hope an effort will be made to restore this flag to its previous state.
  6. I want each and every one of my fellow north Brooklynites to remember this the next time certain pillars of our community extoll upon the benefits of the tourism economy. Straight up: vandalism of this variety is not perpetrated by folks who live hereabouts. Rather, it is the handwork of those who reside outside the community and as such do not treat it with the same level of care and respect as residents do. Or at least this is the only plausible reason/excuse I can find for this.
  7. Any/all “news outlets” which see fit to run with this news item: remember to cite!


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