Coming At You From The Manhattan Avenue Kayak Launch…

Where Kayaks Probably Ain’t The Only Things Being Launched…

I had some trepidation about posting this. However, I reconsidered my stance when I thought about the MTA’s exhortation to its patrons:

If you see something, say something.

Well, Saturday night the Mister and I saw something. Now I’m saying something.


Our Saturday night started as many do: a lively debate about dinner. Such things happen between a vegetarian and recalcitrant carnivore. It took some time, but this matter was settled. Afterward the Mister wanted to visit the Brooklyn Ice Cream Factory— because he needed a strawberry malt. Alas, we were six minutes too late: 9:06 p.m. I suggested we swing by the Manhattan Avenue Kayak Launch so as to view the aftermath of this insanity. He agreed. That’s when we saw the above bus. We found this curious.

We proceeded to the park proper. NOTE: I am using photos taken the next day so as to better illustrate my story. If I was psychic, I would have had my camera ready and pointed. Hell, if I was psychic I’d be playing the lotto as opposed to operating this site. But alas I am not. So here we go.


This is the Manhattan Avenue Kayak Launch.


This is fence which was damaged by an aspiring U-boat. WOW.


1. Indicates where a trio of park goers were sitting and sipping coolattas Saturday night.
2. Indicates where the Mister and I were standing.

The Coolatta sippers inquired as to why this fence was in a state of disrepair. I told them. A lively discussion ensued. Then something really weird happened.


The bus driver charged with said bus exited the Kayak Launch with a female companion. We were all perplexed by this. We saw neither hide nor hair of either of them. We said nothing.

mentosNYSMe (to the Mister): She’s eating Mentos. “The Fresh Maker”. I think he just got a blowjob.
The Mister (to me): I think you’re right.

The bus driver parted ways with his female companion and commenced his rounds. I later saw him on Manhattan Avenue. I was tempted to shout:

How was the blowjob?!?

But bus drivers— especially those of the B43— get enough shit already. Let’s just say I’ll be watching the Kayak Launch more closely now— and you should too. Lest you are wondering, gentle readers, this kind of thing is not unknown here. Case in point.

PHOTO CREDITS/HAT TIP: to The Duncan Daily for the image at left.

UPDATE, June 17, 2013: A fellow named Dave writes;

as an aside – I was walking home along Manhattan Ave on Saturday night, and popped into the deli on the corner of Manhattan and Nassau.  As I was inside, a bus screeched to a halt outside.  The driver jumped out of the bus, ran into the deli and loudly asked the purveyor – “Hey, you got Mentos? …as i was leaving the deli, he held up a packet of mentos, and, looking to someone on board the bus asked “this ok?”


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