Up In Smoke
You watched the last Presidential Debate: if left you cold. Your 401K is shot to shit because the economy is going to hell. The thought of Sarah Palin being the president of the United States terrifies the holy shit out of you (as it should— McCain ain’t getting any younger, gosh darn it). Why not suffer in style by smoking a hookah?*
The ever cool guys at the Greenpoint Grocery have ’em!
These “Paradise Hookahs” sell for $45.00 a pop including charcoal and tobacco. Smoke ’em if you got ’em and GOD BLESS AMERICA!
Greenpoint Grocery
1016 Manhattan Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11222
Miss Heather
*What ingredients you see fit to put in said hookah is your own damned business. That said, I’d advise you load up on more exotic material (banana peels, sludge from Newtown Creek, etc.**) and smoke it the next time Sarah Palin opens her pie hole. It’ll probably make her pedagogical, e.g.; racist, sexist, classist cum “simple small town woman” shtick go down better.
**This is satire.
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