From The New York Shitty Inbox: Live From Channel 12

Lining Up

As posted on the North Brooklyn Comunity Yahoo Group and forwarded to me by the colossal Greenpoint badass that is Laura Hofmann:

Got call from news channel 12 Brooklyn (channel 156 Time Warner Cable).   They  wanted to interview  us  on  the  Museum’s  land  about the eminent  domain.  They are showing us on the Museum’s land today on tvnew… 10 pm Sunday night.  They put a vote on their website do you want  a park or museum?  We didn’t know they were going to  do this.  I called them and said it is not either or.  There will be a 27 acre park and 1 acre for museum.  Check the link to their site below and vote for the Museum.  Pass this around.

Janice and George



2 Comments on From The New York Shitty Inbox: Live From Channel 12

  1. SpillConspirator on Sun, 7th Apr 2013 10:11 pm
  2. Thanks! Here’s the link.

    The city’s quote is a BOLD FACE LIE. Eminent Domain was not a “last resort” beginning with day one of the rezoning process. As a task force member then, eminent domain was always the city’s plan against the museum. In fact, Brooklyn Community Board One grouped all of the park mappings together and asked the board to vote for or against parks. This was a total deception. The Monitor Museum like all of the other waterfront property owners would be required to include a waterfront esplanade as they developed the museum property. So in other words we can have a museum AND a park. Since the museum’s board are long time community members that include a very respected Irene Klemenotowicz, the museum would be community owned and run, without the city. The city just wants full control. Period. A vote for the museum is a vote for community. A vote for parks in this case, is a vote for the administration.

  3. missheather on Sun, 7th Apr 2013 10:38 pm
  4. What does CB1 Chairman Chris “The Voice of Our Community” Olechowski have to say about this? *chirp* *chirp*

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