Trolling for Dick…
Street, that is.
Although I am not one to count my chickens before they hatch, I will announce that I have been approached by Kevin Walsh (of Forgotten-NY) to guest-author a piece about Greenpoint. After mulling his offer over for 5 seconds (if that), I agreed. To this end, I have been busy researching my ‘nabe the last 2-3 weeks.
I have found some fucking fantastic stuff (and why wouldn’t I— this is one fucking fabulous ‘hood). The next couple of weeks I imagine I will be busy assembling my findings, so today I indulged my sophomoric side and searched for Dick Street.
I realize this map is of very poor quality so I have indicated a few major cross streets in order to provide a point of reference. Notice how “Arm Street” was located immediately west of “Dick”. Hee, hee.
Although no traces of “Dick” were to be found, I was VERY amused to discover that this building is located on the strip of Commercial Street that was once intersected by “Dick” and “Arm” Streets.
Whenever I have heard the words “dick” and “arm” in the same sentence it pertained to an ’emergency response’ brought about by not having a girlfriend for a very, very long time.
Miss Heather