From The New York Shitty Inbox: More Crane Hell Greenpoint Avenue and West Street?

November 21, 2012 by
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, WTF 

Some of you might recall several months ago the proprietor of Red Star Bar (which is located at the above-mentioned intersection) was having some issues with trucks bearing cranes. More specifically: said trucks tearing down street signs, hitting parked motor vehicles; generally scaring the living daylights out of people and not being very good neighbors. If the missives I received this morning from Eric are any indication it would appear this is an ongoing problem. He writes (in the wee hours):

Bay crane at it again! Truck blew the stop sign, took out the light pole on greenpoint and west and kept right on going! Didn’t even slow down! Cops are here now. I just missed it! Left to go home. Ill have my guys take some more pics and send them to u…

He continues:

Lucky they didn’t kill someone! 3 customers were standing on the corner smoking. The pole barely missed them as it fell.

…I’m so tired of this shit. Who’s gonna pay to fix it? Me! Yeah the city will put the light pole back up….so we all pay, but the sidewalk is all messed up now. You think the city is going to fix that? No! I’m going to have to pay someone to repair it….or risk someone falling and suing me!

Trust me …it’s not the couple hundred bucks it’s gonna cost to fix the sidewalk that has me enraged! It’s the principal! These fuckin guys have caused thousands and thousands, probably tens of thousands in damage, since they’ve totaled at least two cars, in the six years since I’ve been here. And eventually THEY WILL KILL SOMEONE!

They’re driving massive trucks. You’d figure they’d be extra careful? They come FLYING down Greenpoint Ave, ignore the stop sign, make the turn and if something is in their way…..tough shit and they keep right on going! You mean to tell me this asshole had no idea he took out a light pole? He didn’t even slow down!

They get away with it because of a loophole. If you get the plate on the trailer…the cops can’t do anything (because the trailer plate isn’t the same as the plate on the cab and usually a lease or rental). You need the plate on the cab of the truck. And how are you supposed to get that when all you can see is the ass end when he’s halfway down the block with a trail of carnage behind him. You think the drivers aren’t fully aware of this? lol

I understand Bay Crane has a business to run. But so do other people! Why is their business more important than someone else’s business or LIFE? We’re not asking for them to leave the neighborhood or make any drastic concessions. Simply obey the fucking law and drive responsibly. Is that a lot to ask?

I’ve been saying this forever…..this is a TRAGEDY WAITING TO HAPPEN! Mark my words…someone WILL BE KILLED ON THIS CORNER! Probably sooner rather than later!


2 Comments on From The New York Shitty Inbox: More Crane Hell Greenpoint Avenue and West Street?

  1. eagle_teater on Wed, 21st Nov 2012 7:03 pm
  2. Why doesn’t Eric take the proactive approach and simply sue Bay Crane for the cost of sidewalk damage? With no definitive proof, he may not win, but the cost to Bay Crane to defend themselves would certainly get their attention. I’m pretty sure that a single night’s fundraiser at the Red Star Bar could raise enough money to cover his side and I’m pretty sure there are enough lawyers that frequent his place that he may even get the whole thing pro bono. At minimum, since he is the head of the Greenpoint Business Association, perhaps the association could sue Bay Crane. SkyLift is another flagrant violator. The police are not going to do anything, clearly, so civil suit is the way to go.

  3. missheather on Wed, 21st Nov 2012 7:17 pm
  4. Eagle_teater: there is no Greenpoint Business Association. That there is one hell of a fun story, I assure you.

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