This Shirt ROCKS!

September 19, 2008 by
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

Last night I saw a guy wearing this shirt on Franklin Street. I simply had to ask him about it. He said it was a gift but thought it was purchased on Manhattan Avenue somewhere near Nassau. Any Greenpointers out there know where? I simply MUST possess this item (for obvious reasons).

Miss Heather


4 Comments on This Shirt ROCKS!

  1. OldStyleNo10 on Fri, 19th Sep 2008 2:53 pm
  2. Miss Heather:

    Try that little T-shirt and tchatchke shop on Norman between Manhattan and Leonard. It looks like they’re kind of item.

    Although I do find the wearing of “Greenpoint” or “Brooklyn” t-shirts to be a tiresome affectation.


  3. missheather on Fri, 19th Sep 2008 2:59 pm
  4. It’s cute— what’s more my father has been bugging me for a new Greenpoint shirt for over a year now. He loves the Garden Spot!

  5. ms nomer on Fri, 19th Sep 2008 9:14 pm
  6. Not Brooklyn Industries? Kinda looks like their “look” if you know what I mean.

  7. bitchcakes on Sat, 20th Sep 2008 12:41 pm
  8. *sigh*I miss Greenpoint! I wanna find this shirt too!

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