New York Shitty Shitter Du Jour: Cooper Park

Given the completely revolting image of a port-o-let hailing from McCarren Park (the purported crown jewel of Community Board 1’s parks) which was brought to my attention by a concerned citizen yesterday and the fact my ladybug toilet seat (part of my “No Toilet Left Behind Project”) has suffered from not-so-benign neglect, I have decided an audit of our public lavatories is in order. Today’s privy hails from Cooper Park’s comfort station which serves the wonderfully re-vamped (and heavily patronized) Carnegie Playground.

Bad News: clearly there is some room for improvement.
Good News: the second stall was a mite bit more “user friendly”.


2 Comments on New York Shitty Shitter Du Jour: Cooper Park

  1. Peter on Mon, 11th Jun 2012 6:39 pm
  2. If prison inmates on Death Row had toilets in that condition they would riot and kill several guards.

  3. missheather on Mon, 11th Jun 2012 7:44 pm
  4. If prisoners had toilets in this condition it would be considered a violation of their human rights (which it is).

    Here’s what I find fascinating: my community (north Brooklyn/Community Board 1) has a “public/private partnership” for parks: Open Space Alliance North Brooklyn. Their ostensible purpose is to “augment” revenue/services cut by our fair city. Their claim to revenue gain is via their “concert series” which, ironically enough:

    1. draw a great many of people from outside my community (which results in shit like this)
    2. have precluded my community from using what little parks space there is here and
    3. diverts our Parks Supervisor’s, Stephanie Thayer’s, attention from basic maintenance issues for parks under her watch— during “peak season” no less— because…

    she is also the Executive Director of Open Space Alliance North Brooklyn! I want you to think about this, Peter: the person charged with supervising our parks (READ: a New York City employee) is also the person who is charged with “advocating” for and fundraising on the behalf of our parks. This post is an excellent indication as to how this “arrangement” has worked out.

    When “OSA” conducts events (which, once again, ostensibly benefit my community) there are crappers aplenty. And when their events are over they are removed. The public (to whom they profess to serve), in the meantime, has to make do.

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