From The New York Shitty Inbox: The Perfect Nothing Catalog
A fellow named Frank writes:
I wanted to tell you guys about a new store opening in Greenpoint. It’s in an old shack in a garden on India Street.
The Perfect Nothing Catalog: a store & space for art & non-art by local artists and non-artists dealing summer supplies: knives, bathing suits, rocks and herbs, ceramics and surf and skate stuff. Set in an abandoned shack in a garden in Greenpoint, The Nothing will be hosting artists and non-artists in a series of micro-residencies throughout the summer. Offering small work space, garden access, and event opportunity.
216 India Street
Wednesday-Saturday 12-8
You can get more information about this endeavor by checking out their website, Facebook page or of course good ol’ fashioned email: theperfectnothingcatalog (at) gmail (dot) com
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