A Plea From The McCarren Dog Run

The headmistress of the McCarren Dog Run writes:

Want Chips in McCarren Dog Run?

New chips have been ordered BUT Parks can’t/won’t bring them into the big dog run unless we clear out the area near the gates at Driggs and Union. All of the old chips piled up at the gates near Union and Driggs must be moved into the dog run. The run surface needs to be at the same level as the sidewalk for the truck to drive in.

What needs to happen:
Volunteers from the dog run need to use the tools by the entrance gates to pull those piles of chips to other parts of the run. The quickest method is to put the chips on the tarp and drag them to the center of the run or to the far corner to cover the drainage membrane and piping. The work needs to be done in the next seven (7) days for the Dog Run to be able to get chips.

How will you help? Or will you just expect someone else to do this? If no one can get it together to do this, no chips.

Please feel free to share the above email with your dog run friends who might not be on the google group. To join the google group, send a request to mcdogrun@gmail.com.

Please help spread the word, Greenburg dog lovers!


One Comment on A Plea From The McCarren Dog Run

  1. Thursday Blogwrap – insiderater.com on Thu, 5th Apr 2012 11:02 pm
  2. […] A Plea From The McCarren Dog Run [New York Shitty] Brooklyn Utopias Show at the Old Stone House [PMFA] Poll: Top Outdoor Spots In the Neighborhood [FG/CH Patch] Crown Heights in the News, Falafel, Murals, and More [ILFA] A Poem for the Political Park Slope Food Co-op [City Room] L Train Gets “Priority Seating” For Its 1 Percent [Gothamist] Bulgarian Bar Mehanata’s Owner Unwelcome in Williamsburg [DNA Info] Looking into NYC’s New Stormwater Management Infrastructure [Architect's Newspaper] Photo by Beth Keiser input, textarea{} #authorarea{ padding-left: 8px; margin:10px 0; width: 635px; } #authorarea h3{ border-bottom: 1px solid #B0B0B0; color: #333333; font-family: georgia; font-size: 19px; font-weight: normal; line-height: 22px; margin:0 4px 5px; padding-left: 8px;} #authorarea h3 a{text-decoration:none; color:#333; font-weight:bold} #authorarea img{margin:0 5px; float:left; border:1px solid #ddd; width:40px; height:40px;} #authorarea p{color:#333; margin:0} #authorarea p a{color:#333} .authorinfo{ } […]

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