Fedders Friday: Back To Basics In Bed Stuy

August 22, 2008 by
Filed under: Bed-Stuy, Bushwick, Fedders Friday, Greenpoint Magic 

As I indicated yesterday, I took a rather long walk. I rambled through Greenpoint. I knocked around East Williamsburg and even a little Bushwick. Then I arrived at the home of much Fedders goodness: Bedford Stuyvesant. Here are some of my findings.

This beauty hails from Broadway. Note the prominently placed electric meters and extensive use of stick-on numbers. Clearly the person responsible for this building spared no expense: those numbers cost $1.99 a pop!

This charming specimen comes from Monroe Street. As I was taking the above photograph a child was wailing from the second window from the top left.

Maybe these satellite dishes offended his aesthetic sensibilities…

or Dong Dong (conveniently located at the end of the block) was taking to long to deliver his Chow Mein? Only he knows for certain.

This selection hails from Tompkins Avenue. For those of you not in the know, this thoroughfare is named after Daniel D. Tompkins, former New York State Governor and the 6th Vice President of the United States. Per Wikipedia:

While as governor of New York, Tompkins personally borrowed money and used his own property as collateral when the New York state legislature would not approve the necessary funds for the War of 1812. After the war, neither the state nor the federal government reimbursed him so he could repay his loans. Years of litigation did not end until 1824, and it took a toll on his health. Tompkins fell into alcoholism, and as vice president he at times presided over the Senate while drunk. He died in Tompkinsville three months after retiring as Vice President and was interred in the Minthorne vault in St. Mark’s Churchyard, New York City. Tompkins had the shortest post-vice presidency of any person who survived the office: 99 days (March 4, 1825–June 11, 1825).

Dying in disgrace (and being a Vice President) is bad enough. Do we really need to erect crap like this on the street that bears his name?

I mean the man DID help fund the War of 1812— out of his own pocket, no less.

But I suppose if this is the treatment Lafayette gets he is in good company.

Nonetheless, it strikes me as being a little unfair. I mean, if this is how we treat the memory of a pretty good Governor (if a bit marginal Vice President), how will time treat someone like Dick Cheney or Eliot Spitzer? My mind cannot muster anything suitable for Mr. Cheney, but I think I have Mr. Spitzer covered.

Former New York City Mayor James “Jimmie” J. Walker (who was hardly a saint but sure knew how to coin a phrase) was once quoted as saying:

A reformer is a guy who rides through the sewer in a glass bottom boat.

Methinks Mr. Spitzer did a little more than simply ride through the sewer in a glass bottom boat. I think he took a nice long bath.

Therefore I would like to humbly suggest that Greenpoint’s very own shit tits be renamed the Eliot L. Spitzer Memorial Waste Treatment Facility*. Thoughts anyone?

Miss Heather

*Sure, the man ain’t dead yet but his career in politics sure as hell is!


4 Comments on Fedders Friday: Back To Basics In Bed Stuy

  1. rexlic on Fri, 22nd Aug 2008 12:31 pm
  2. Tompkins lies in rest, pickled for eternity, just two blocks west of the Square Park that bears his name. On Sunday, head there for the annual Birdfest, the Charlie Parker Jazz Festival–Brooklyn’s own ivory-tickling legend Randy Weston will be playing.

  3. jd on Sat, 23rd Aug 2008 9:46 pm
  4. This Fedderal building is even more legit because all the inhabitants treasure their Fedders-cutouts so much that they won’t even use them: all of them them stuck their air conditioners in the window! What IS a Fedders cavity to be used for then?

  5. breukelen on Tue, 26th Aug 2008 1:10 pm
  6. It’s a nice little place to stash the hash.

  7. missheather on Tue, 26th Aug 2008 1:32 pm
  8. breukelen brings up an interesting point. Speaking for myself, I have seen people put sheets of plexiglas in them and convert them into kitty “look out posts”.

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