From The New York Shitty Inbox: An Armed Robbery On McGuinness Boulevard?

Not one, but two anonymous tipsters write:

…the gas station near Meserole Ave & McGuinness Blvd was robbed (last night).

do you know anything about the shooting last night at the gas station on McGuinness Blvd btw Meserole/ Cayler and the Key Food?

I have reached out the the head of the 94th, Deputy Inspector Hurson, and he has verified that unfortunately this has came to pass. Per Mr. Hurson an employee of this establishment was shot twice (but thankfully is expected to live) and they caught the perp on video. Some might recall there was another armed robbery at the Dunkin Donuts (also on McGuinness Boulevard) earlier this month. Yikes!

Update, 9:34 p.m.: I have just received word an arrest has been made for the Dunkin’ Donuts robbery!



One Comment on From The New York Shitty Inbox: An Armed Robbery On McGuinness Boulevard?

  1. Diamond Joe on Tue, 31st Jan 2012 11:04 am
  2. Probably the only street in the neighborhood where you could rob a store, jump in a car, hit the gas and make a speedy getaway without any witnesses. The social ills of McGuinness Blvd continue…

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