From The New York Shitty Inbox: Homeless After The Holidays

Last night the plight of these two furkids— and their “people”— was brought to my attention by a friend. To keep a long (and very sad) story short their human family has to vacate their apartment and, not having any resources upon which to fall, will be forced to enter the shelter system. This is bad. Now imagine, if you will, being told there is no shelter space available for families in Brooklyn so you and your children will (in all probability) have to move to the Bronx. This is worse.

I for one cannot imagine what it must be like to not only face homelessness but also having to leave the community I call home. If there was a time someone needed friends above anything else this would be it. But our city does not exactly see it that way. So move they will. Which brings me to the subject of this post: while the city might accord this family shelter— however remotely located— they are not in the business of housing homeless cats.

Bootsie and Footsie are two healthy, neutered, two year old brothers who need our help. Here is how they were described to me:

Bootsie– tuxedo like a lap dog. Laid back. Loves string, mouse toys, boxes . Watches tv.

Footsie– tabby cat. Loves feet. Sitting on lap, aluminum balls, string, bags, very active.

Ideally their family would like a foster arrangement so when they get back on their feet their furry friends can come back “home”. In the meantime they would prefer— but do not require— the ability to visit Bootie and Footsie on occasion. I have also been told someone will provide food and litter to whomever is kind of enough to provide these two handsome chaps temporary accommodations.

I realize Christmas has come and gone. But why not demonstrate some holiday spirit by being a friend to a few fellas who, for reasons well outside of their control, cannot help themselves. This is not only the right thing to do, but given the state of our economy nowadays anyone— and I mean anyone— could find themselves in a similar situation. This of course includes you and me. Have a heart.

Anyone interested in providing Bootsie and Footsie a home (or can otherwise help) please shoot me an email at missheather (at) thatgreenpointblog (com). I will make sure your inquiries get forwarded to their family who, it should be noted, will have to vacate their home next weekend.



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