Greenpoint Fashion Watch

The last twenty four hours my inbox has been abuzz with fashion. More specifically the stylings of a certain physician whose office is on Greenpoint Avenue between Manhattan Avenue and Franklin Street.

Bitchcakes writes:

Walking up Greenpoint Ave yesterday (from Franklin going towards Manhattan Ave), Matt and I noticed this advertisement in a window (attached). It was just screaming your name, so I had to make sure you saw it.

Mike writes:

My name is Mike, I’m one of the writers of the NAG blog– thanks for the bloggy love- we got a lot of hits from you.

This isn’t NAG blog material, but totally up your alley…

The attached picture is of a poster is in one of the newly-renovated buildings on the south side of Greenpoint Ave b/t Manhattan and Franklin. Everything about it says “please don’t let this man touch your privates, even in a medical context.”

What is all the Garden Spot fuss about, you ask?

This guy.

Nice bow tie.

Miss Heather


3 Comments on Greenpoint Fashion Watch

  1. bitchcakes on Tue, 19th Aug 2008 3:40 pm
  2. Seriously- what serious physician uses his photo in an advertisement?! Not to mention the questionable smile, crazy bowtie and curly mullet thing he’s got going on.

  3. workingeva on Wed, 20th Aug 2008 9:52 pm
  4. Excuse me, Dr Zizmor used his picture in now classi subway ads… granted, he sported a white doctor’s coat and a balding skull.

    […] we actually have an update for this story. Miss Heather of NYShitty got in touch. The guy had done some advertising up in those parts a solid 2.5 years […]

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