More Fun At The Nature Walk

August 16, 2008 by
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

Laura Hofmann writes:

Mike & I went back to the DEP Nature Walk today to check on the oil situation. Only at the DEP Nature Walk steps can you find treasures like this! I’m trying to figure out where he came from since we did find dead crabs (including a  horseshoe crab) there last week. He’s got some markings on him. Makes me think that he’s a decoy that may have been used to track waterfowl … perhaps pesticides? Poor guy, didn’t make it through the experiment I guess!

Now there’s a piece of home decor you won’t find at Ikea!

Miss Heather


One Comment on More Fun At The Nature Walk

  1. ms nomer on Sat, 16th Aug 2008 10:26 pm
  2. Were you able to open it? If there’s electronics inside, it’s one of Natalie Jeremijkeno’s projects. I know she’s been interested in Newtown Creek. For more info on Dr. Jeremijenko, just do a web search on her…

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