Greenpoint Photo du Jour: Somewhere Under The Rainbow

August 13, 2008 by
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

Erin of Leonard writes:

Tonight we found that Greenpoint IS the end of the rainbow.  Or is that actually the sewage treatment plant?  I think it is.

It’s our pot of gold(en water), Erin! Don’t you remember what Emily Lloyd said at the digester tank lighting ceremony? The digester tanks at our local sewage treatment plant will be visible from the observation deck of the Empire State Building! Tourists from all four corners of the earth can gaze upon our “shit tits” and take a dump knowing we are the ones who will receive their offerings. Talk about street cred!

Miss Heather

Photo Credits (and big thanks go out to): Erin of Leonard


One Comment on Greenpoint Photo du Jour: Somewhere Under The Rainbow

  1. workingeva on Thu, 14th Aug 2008 9:37 am
  2. guys, the rainbow springs right from the plant….

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