Introducing Neighborhood Watch

August 6, 2008 by
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic, Williamsburg 

No, not that Neighborhood Watch (as enjoyable as it can be). I’m talking about the new blog set up by Neighbors Allied for Good Growth (or NAG). I finally was able to give it a looksee last night and I have to confess that I found a number of very interesting items. Among my personal favorites are this post about the service industry encroaching upon north Brooklyn’s Industrial business zones and an update regarding the troubled Moore Street Market. If what they have written (regarding the latter) does indeed come to pass, it looks like it will get a reprieve!

Do add this site to your “to read” list. You will learn a lot about what’s going on here in north Brooklyn from it! I know I have.

Miss Heather


2 Comments on Introducing Neighborhood Watch

  1. jake_tuff on Wed, 6th Aug 2008 11:04 am
  2. When you said service industry and industrial zones I was hoping for something else šŸ™‚ oh well.

  3. brooklynmfs on Wed, 6th Aug 2008 3:35 pm
  4. Thanks for the plug & kind words Miss Heather!

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