When I saw this flier (which graces the front of T & N Wine & Liquor) yesterday afternoon I simply had to capture it for posterity’s sake. Yours truly was particularly amused that being a “blogger with a digital camera” made the list of qualifications. In any case, those of you looking to make a little extra money (albeit while perpetuating a stereotype) might want to shoot these folks an email. Tell them Miss Heather sent you!

Miss Heather

P.S.: I would like to take a moment to thank this endeavor’s location scout, Jeff Brown, for taking my community’s advice to heart. Thus far I have not received a single complaint about the film shoots which have come to pass hereabouts.


4 Comments on WANTED IN GREENPOINT: “Hipstras”

  1. Jimmy Legs on Thu, 28th Jul 2011 8:55 am
  2. those are all from Hipster Bingo which must be 10 years old by now! http://www.catbirdseat.org/catbirdseat/bingo.html

  3. foodiej on Thu, 28th Jul 2011 4:54 pm
  4. Yet still a current representation… how ironic
    I couldnt resist

  5. missheather on Thu, 28th Jul 2011 5:15 pm
  6. Well, I’m guessing the wizards at MTV/Viacom haven’t figured that out yet. Shh!

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