Quicklink: Who’s Behind The Blight?

Those of you who have been following this site of late have undoubtedly noticed yours truly’s renewed interest in 239 Banker Street. After seemingly no activity whatsoever for about a year since being vacated by the Department of Buildings it appears to have a resident. For those of you who are wondering, this is not only dangerous but it is also quite illegal.

Needless to say when this was brought to my attention by my buddy over at Brooklyn11211 I found it quite informative. Want to know who is behind a number of derelict construction sites and nondos hereabouts (including 239 Banker Street), gentle readers? Look no further: The Real Deal has the answer! Do take a moment to give this read.

Miss Heather


One Comment on Quicklink: Who’s Behind The Blight?

  1. eagle_teater on Tue, 19th Jul 2011 2:20 am
  2. There are a number of noted Perlmutters hereabouts. Serving on various non-profits, etc. This here Israel/Sam…do we know where he fits in?

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