Spotted At 259 Banker Street: Activity

This seems eerily familiar. Hmm…

Miss Heather


3 Comments on Spotted At 259 Banker Street: Activity

  1. calyercooze on Wed, 13th Jul 2011 2:57 pm
  2. Hm. The artist who now owns the place sent a letter to all the residents on the surrounding block indicating that construction was going to begin on July 5th. He lives there now with his wife, dog and child, with one more on the way.

    The letter seemed to indicate that the place was going to become some sort of artists’ residency space — but maybe they are planning that food and drink is going to be part of that? Then again, maybe the plans were deliberately vague to keep the neighbors off his case.

    At any rate, with two young kids soon to be living there, I would think that the late night revelries are a thing of the past.

  3. a neighbor on Sun, 24th Jul 2011 8:56 pm
  4. It’s amazing that I can see the building from my apartment but yet none of us got this letter.

    Back during the Night Bazaar brouhaha, I heard that this space was going to be turned into a restaurant – and I believe they said that Anella’s was the one moving down here. But I could be wrong.

  5. Girl On A Stoop on Wed, 17th Aug 2011 12:27 am
  6. a stop work order has been issued on this property but there are still doing work I believe they are making this a club again it is zoned industrial only no living

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