From The New York Shitty Inbox: Rejection

Last week yours truly and a few friends participated in NAG’s (Neighbors Allied for Good  Growth’s) north Brooklyn Trivia fundraiser. We did so under the moniker of the UNofficial Community Board 1 Public Safety Committee Ladies Auxiliary.  Ward Dennis, who is not only a member of the Public Safety Committee but also the head honcho of NAG thought the UCB1PSCLA was a gag. I assured him it wasn’t; we have meetings, take minutes and most importantly have a logo (as seen at right).  Mr. Dennis should be thankful we did not roll with my first suggestion for a team name…

Ward Dennis’s Underpants

because we won every round, save one, emerged victorious and were really obnoxious about it.

But this post is not about winning or (sadly) Ward Dennis’s underpants. It is about rejection. One of the questions posed at NAG’s fundraiser by Mr. Dennis was (and I quote):

How many members are there on Community Board 1?

To wit, I raised my hand and requested a clarification:

The ones who actually show up or what’s stated on CB1’s web site?

This precipitated a great deal of snickering from the peanut gallery but Mr. Dennis told me the web site, e.g;  50 people. Speaking as someone who has attended said meetings I have seen 25 Community Board members at most. It’s usually less.

So you can imagine my dark delight when I learned a certain Greenpointer was rejected— once again— to be on Community Board 1 yesterday!

Here’s the punchline: the person in question submitted an application in 2005 and 2008. He was rejected and has since ceased and desisted. Borough President’s Office hasn’t— ceased and desisting sending him rejection letters. Here’s what his wife had to say about it:

Hi Heather!
Presenting (excised)’s most recent Community Board rejection. He applied twice. Once during the rezoning process and again, about 3 years ago. But the BP pumps out a reject letter for (excised) perhaps twice a year. LOL. I’m pissed though. I have another reject letter on my dresser from 2009, but (excised) can’t remember where he put the rest of his collection. I really want to save them ALL. Thanks for reminding me about this. (Excised) has been annoying me all day. So now I’ve begun to call him a CB1 reject. It’s pissing him off.

Here’s a roster of who constitutes Community Board 1 as of the writing of this post:

Exactly 49 people. Not that I— or members of CB1 for that matter— know who some of these people are. They are unidentifiable by the fact they never/rarely show up. Nonetheless, there appears to be a vacancy…

Miss Heather








3 Comments on From The New York Shitty Inbox: Rejection

  1. eagle_teater on Sun, 26th Jun 2011 12:47 pm
  2. I’m dying…you must email me and tell me who this is.

  3. SpillConspirator on Sun, 26th Jun 2011 4:54 pm
  4. 3 guesses and then I’ll tell you.

  5. rutila on Mon, 27th Jun 2011 4:22 pm
  6. I missed one hell of a night! When’s the next one?

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