Spotted At 400 McGuinness Boulevard: Men At Work

This morning yours truly woke up in a state. As some of you have probably noticed, my site has been down quite a bit. This makes yours truly rather unhappy. Instead of simply staring at a blank screen hoping, PRAYING, that Dreamhost* would get its shit together I decided to go for a walk— and in so doing became a participant in a rather remarkable series of events.

On a lark I decided to swing by the site of our proposed 200 bed intake center for homeless men (at the behest, this time around, of the Bowery Residents’ Commission): 400 McGuinness Boulevard. I quickly ascertained there was work being conducted. I commenced to document it.

My interest in this activity (Let’s face facts: this part of Greenpoint does not sport many pink-haired women with heart-shaped sunglasses walking around) was quickly noticed by a few chaps working at the Department of Transportation depot across the street. They informed me that work is being conducted at this site around the clock, that they are “trying to be sneaky about it” and that they have called 311 to no avail. I informed them that I had every intention of documenting this activity and calling 311 when I got home. This is when something truly fortuitous happened.

An employee of the Department of Buildings drove by! We started shouting and waving our hands.

He backs up and I apprise him of the situation, e.g.; these men are conducting work and there are no permits posted whatsoever.

As he is calling this in to headquarters I noticed they seem to be working on the entire complex. I document this.

That’s when my new friends at the Department of Transportation decided to swing by and tender their two cents.

They smile for my camera…

and after admonishing the Department of Buildings gentleman that (and I quote) “you better be treating this lady nicely” give him the whole rundown of what they have witnessed.

Upon the conclusion of this tete a tete they drive off and I hear someone call my name.

It is Anthony of McGuinness Power Brake Service. He tells me that powers-that-be at 400 McGuinness have one valid permit on file with Department of Buildings; it is for plumbing work and removing non-load bearing walls. He quickly adds, however, that they appear to be doing a lot more than this and states he has photographic evidence. I will go into the latter in more detail momentarily.

When I arrived home I perused the Department of Buildings web site.

Sure enough, Anthony was correct! I quickly noticed there was a plan filed which was disapproved. Curious piqued, I gave it a look-see.

As you can imagine I found this interesting given what I was told by the gentlemen from the Department of Transportation and Anthony; they asserted work as outlined in this rejected Plan Exam was, in fact, being conducted. But neither I nor you, gentle readers, need take them at their word. Anthony’s photographs pretty much say it all. Pay special attention to the refrigerator(s) being unloaded.

It sure looks like they are setting up “house” to me! Those of you who are curious can learn more about the man behind this endeavor, Shimmie Horn, by clicking here.

Miss Heather

*Those of you who have friends— or better yet: enemies— who operate sites which you believe are not fit for publication, do recommend Dreamhost. He or she can write to his or her contentment and their content will not be inflicted on the general public by virtue of the fact their web site will not be up! Genius!!!


3 Comments on Spotted At 400 McGuinness Boulevard: Men At Work

  1. eagle_teater on Wed, 22nd Jun 2011 4:48 pm
  2. When is the NYTimes, Channel 11, The Post or some other paper going to steal this story from you so this actually blows up in DHS’ face?

  3. missheather on Wed, 22nd Jun 2011 4:51 pm
  4. The clock is ticking… 😉

    […] afoot at 400 McGuinness Boulevard in Greenpoint, where New York Shitty noticed work under way at the site of a proposed 200-bed men’s intake center. (This plan surfaced […]

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