Urban Fur: India Street R.I.P.

Many of my fellow Greenpointers know this man and his pup: they are residents of India Street and can often be found hanging out on the corner at Manhattan Avenue. Today as I was walking to the East River Ferry I noticed the above memorial. Noting that this canine’s “person”, a rather intimidating looking fellow I will add, was sitting nearby I decided to ask him if his companion (which is sort of an institution of sorts) had died. He told me it happened two days ago, appears to have been a heart attack, but his pup had lived a long healthy life so he had no regrets. I replied:

It’s always hard to lose a pet. But we should be happy for the time we have with them. They are our friends.

He agreed and warned me to be on the lookout for pirates.*

Miss Heather

*During my ride from India Street to Shaeffer Landing I did not spy a single one.


3 Comments on Urban Fur: India Street R.I.P.

  1. OldStyleNo10 on Thu, 16th Jun 2011 8:33 am
  2. RIP, Cheech. And condolences, Charlie.

  3. missheather on Thu, 16th Jun 2011 8:35 am
  4. Charlie is an absolute doll! He seems to be taking Cheech’s passing pretty well. That said (and is corny as it sounds), I found his memorial really touching.

  5. rowan on Thu, 16th Jun 2011 9:41 am
  6. I used to be a little intimidated by Charlie but the tenderness that he showed towards Cheech changed my feelings. The past 2 years, we’ve exchanged pleasantries and always asked after one another’s pets, old and young. His nickname for me is Miss Connecticut. Charlie lived to be 12 1/2 years, a ripe old age and surely had a loving home. Liz, the lady in the photo, is also a heck of a character and very fun to talk to.

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