Spotted At Franklin & Eagle Street: Traffic Counters

If what I saw this morning is any indication the recent complaints about truck traffic in North ‘Point are being taken quite seriously by our elected officials and our local Community Board. I suspect I speak on the behalf of everyone who resides hereabouts when I write:


Miss Heather


3 Comments on Spotted At Franklin & Eagle Street: Traffic Counters

  1. throwbot on Tue, 7th Jun 2011 4:47 pm
  2. these guys were everywhere down Franklin St./Kent Ave. this morning.

  3. missheather on Tue, 7th Jun 2011 4:53 pm
  4. GOOD!

  5. eagle_teater on Wed, 8th Jun 2011 10:21 am
  6. One thing I hope the watchers at Franklin and Calyer noted was the absolute clusterfuck of trucks and cars caused by the asinine film crew vans/cube trucks parked on BOTH sides of Franklin. Also oddly enough I was in Bay Ridge last night on 3rd Ave and 70th and noted that the very same crew that was disgracing Franklin Ave yesterday were also disgracing 3rd Ave. I watched a lovely altercation between a resident trying to park his car and the asshole film crew cone guy who was placing cones a good 5 hours before the time noted on the posters. Said film guy’s response to complaints from the resident was, I quote, “I don’t fucking speak Spanish”.

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