A New York Shitty PSA: North ‘Point B62 Riders, You’re F*cked!

SINKHOLE?!? Wow. In any case those of you who live on the northern fringe of the 11222 and wish to ride the B62 bus will have to schlep to Greenpoint Avenue now. Of course there’s always the G train to consider. I have to see this sinkhole for myself.

To be continued…?

UPDATE, 3:30 p.m.: So I walked down there. Sure enough, there was a notice posted at the Green Street stop that B62 service was suspended indefinitely. However, when I walked down to Freeman Street at McGuinness Boulevard nary a sinkhole was to be found— and vehicular traffic was humming along as usual.

Am I missing something (other than not quite mastering the video function of my newish digital camera)?

Miss Heather


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