New York Shitty Day Ender: When Worlds Collide

The proceedings were rather lively at this evening’s 94th Precinct Community Council meeting. Naturally I shot footage and have commenced uploading it. (TEASER: Phyllis was in particularly interesting form.) In the meantime I want to leave you with something I spied before the aforementioned event. A moving sale of such a special (and distinctly Greenpoint) caliber it deserves a post of its own. Here it is.

The above photograph does not do the strobe light (which was quite an attention getter) justice. Fortunately that’s why god invented video. Enjoy!

If anyone out there is looking for a condominium on Greenpoint Avenue methinks one will be hitting the market. Soon.

Cibo Matto - Know Your Chicken by WBRNewMedia

Miss Heather



5 Comments on New York Shitty Day Ender: When Worlds Collide

  1. xdx on Mon, 16th May 2011 11:57 pm
  2. i lived across the street for 10 years.. the chickens were amusing..the smell was awful, but the truck traffic was worse.

    i knew when the luxury condos were built there would be future problems.. i went to look at them and the realtor assured me that the slaughter house was closing and lost its lease.. i knew she was lying.

    before you buy … maybe you should look into the spot you are buying.

  3. missheather on Tue, 17th May 2011 12:24 am
  4. Methinks the term you are looking for is “due diligence”.

    […] and selling their personal possessions to the tune of a “Chickens Are Driving Me CRAZY” yard sale. Oh, Greenpoint: land of a thousand gruesome buildings. Categories: Dab Tags: Dab, local, […]

  5. swampyankee on Wed, 25th May 2011 7:39 am
  6. Stupid Hipsters. The minutes they used the word “nabe” they deserved this and a lot worse. Pweshus snowflake moves next to an 80 year old business and they should close and move because he moved in? You know who I feel bad for? the chickens. It’s bad enough that they are going to be slaughtered and now they find out they are living next to hipsters.They are probably trying to cut their own heads off. How do we know they are hipsters? Lets take a look a the crap they are selling at their moving sale: Ipod, Ipad, wood scraps, iBook (what is with all the iCrap?), mountain bikes, musical instruments. Locust

  7. missheather on Wed, 25th May 2011 8:13 am
  8. Since I took the photograph and shot the footage which kicked all of this off in the first place I am eminently aware of the contents of said sale. That said, I get a fair number of folks who ask me for advice when looking for apartments hereabouts. I tell them the following:

    1. Check the Department of Buildings BIS
    2. Check HPD (if applicable)
    3. Run a Google search of the address and read what comes up
    4. Visit the location of the apartment you are interested in in the morning and at night.
    5. Talk to your prospective neighbors.

    Points 1-3 can be done from your home. Points 3 and 4 would have probably prevented this gentleman from renting this apartment in the first place. I have walked by this place bright and early in the morning when the trucks arrive. The smell is awful. The way I see it, if you are going to sign a lease (and probably pay a fairly handsome sum in rent) the least you can do are these things. I mean, isn’t a few hours of your time against living one year or more somewhere worth the trouble? This isn’t purely a “hipster” thing. It’s called due diligence.

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