Le Brique Is Open For Business

July 20, 2008 by
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

In what is possibly the fasted turn-around for a restaurant in Greenpoint history, last Thursday, July 17, Le Brique officially opened for business. I learned this from a tipster who happens to live near this establishment. N writes:

Have you checked out Le Brique? They had some opening party on Thursday, with a DJ that shook our apartment with early 90’s dance music. I would imagine from the fast turnaround… that the same owners that operated Little Korea operate this establishment. I hope the food is improved though. And I hope there are no more 90’s dance parties.

I agree on both counts. I do hope the food is good and they refrain from playing early 90’s dance music. Bad music is sort of like bad food: both are sufficiently awful the first time around. Click here to see what foodstuffs this, Greenpoint’s newest restaurant, is serving. Among the more traditional French fare you will find blood sausage. Yummy.

Miss Heather

P.S.: If you look at the square shaped “gems” gracing this storefront you will notice they read “Shanghai Lee”. Very amusing.


2 Comments on Le Brique Is Open For Business

  1. dupreciate on Tue, 22nd Jul 2008 7:22 pm
  2. Little Korea was just bad Korean BBQ with early 90’s dance music… so yeah, same ownership and management…pass.

  3. superclam on Thu, 24th Jul 2008 2:00 pm
  4. Little Korea was fair, I’d give it a C+. At least it was a change from the Thai/Polish options we have. Can’t we have an Indian restaurant? Anyone? Hello? Namaste?

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