Urban Fur: Booey Rides The B62


I wasn’t able to learn much from the “mom” of this little guy/gal. She had a speech impediment but a beautiful smile and heart. I was able to deduce this little one’s name was Booey. This little commuter/strap hanger is very loved— and cared for! His/her mom had a bag of toys and a thermos of KMR (kitten formula) in tow. Godspeed, Booey! You’re the cutest thing yours truly has ever beheld on the B62. Ever.

Miss Heather


2 Comments on Urban Fur: Booey Rides The B62

  1. bitchcakes on Sun, 24th Apr 2011 6:38 pm
  2. I can honestly say I have *never* seen a cat on the bus! What a gorgeous little guy!!! (looks a lot like the Sarge too!)

  3. missheather on Sun, 24th Apr 2011 7:43 pm
  4. Stripey 2.0? 😉

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