New York Shitty Day Ender: Public Safety


Miss Mousey Brown was kind enough to tender this photo of our Public Safety Chair, Mieszko Kalita, to my photo pool. I suspect her reasoning for doing so was to highlight his rather jaunty tie. That, it is. The Mister even noted his pocket square (whatever that is) was in keeping with said tie. He called this sartorial. Nonetheless, this image provides me a reason to link to what he had to say about the so-called “moratorium” on liquor licenses and the rancor which preceded it on WPIX recently. I for one think his analysis is spot-on. You can (and should) check this out by clicking here.

Miss Heather

P.S.: Mr. Kalita’s opinion has been endorsed by the UNofficial Community Board 1 Public Safety Committee Ladies Auxiliary by a vote of four in favor with one absence/abstention.


6 Comments on New York Shitty Day Ender: Public Safety

  1. no no on Wed, 20th Apr 2011 9:18 pm
  2. As much as I agree with Mr Kalita that I find a huge civil liberties problem in banning, or even calling for a temporary moratorium on new licenses; there are only two sane choices in my opinion. Rein in the existing problem at our doorsteps of problematic venues, or put a kibosh on adding more licenses to the mix until things are brought under some modicum of control. Continuing to not try and make meaningful interventions is not acceptable. It really doesn’t legally matter what the recommendation of CB1 BK is. (sadly, in many cases) The SLA will keep dolling the licenses out for the money. We must work towards remediating the existing problem spots. I personally believe that given the opportunity to work in better harmony with their neighbors in a helpful, fair, and considerate way; most operators of these establishments might rise to the occasion of responsible conducting of business. If they don’t, then CB1 should use every legal measure to get them in compliance, or get them gone; as a duty and a personal responsibility to the neighborhoods they serve.
    It really is important to call both 311 and to call in that report number to CB1 for tracking; but also to report complaints directly to The State Liquor Authority.

  3. missheather on Wed, 20th Apr 2011 9:30 pm
  4. Mr. Kalita is against the ban inasmuch as I can ascertain. He was noting that there are a lot of bars hereabouts that are detriments— not contributors— to the community and a ban would not make this change. The issue is enforcement by our police department, people calling 311 and complaining about problematic “eating and drinking establishments”; and tendering this information over to CB1. If the Public Safety Committee does not have a stack of complaints when, say, “Drunken Intransigent/Scofflaw Bar’s” liquor license comes up for renewal what can they do?

  5. no no on Wed, 20th Apr 2011 10:33 pm
  6. Exactly, but not apprising the SLA directly and in concert with each complaint renders the SLA to work only with the information that they have gathered when reviewing renewals. THEY don’t look at 311 complaints. It’s not in their best interest. They look at complaints to their office (maybe). The SLA’s job is to generate economic growth, not responsibility. If they gave a crap, then there wouldn’t be bars that sell booze to-go with impunity to the law. There wouldn’t be illegal, after hours clubs posing quality of life problems for neighbors and the plethora of other bar/restaurant related nuisances. People should contact the the SLA, as well as 311, & CB1 when complaining about these problem establishments. If a fire is not put under the SLA’s ass to take a closer look on a one-by-one basis, then how can we expect them to work with us as opposed to working irrespective of our local’s concerns.

  7. missheather on Wed, 20th Apr 2011 10:40 pm
  8. This is why I want to erect a page like this:

    customized to CB1’s needs. Not that I see Gerry Esposito being as helpful as Ms. Stetzer. I don’t. Although if he was willing to help me erect such a page I’d gladly meet with him.

  9. eagle_teater on Thu, 21st Apr 2011 7:34 am
  10. You’re choice of verbs is giving me the skeeves for some reason. Anyway, I just wanted to say that is nice to see that The Mustache has added another tie to the rotation.

  11. missheather on Thu, 21st Apr 2011 8:51 am
  12. I am to skeeve— and I have cleaned up my grammar! Humor me, teater. I was busy cleaning the kitchen last night… for two hours. 😉

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