From P.S. 31: Three Children In Need

April 20, 2011 by
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

This afternoon I was procuring a much-needed cup of liquid energy (READ: coffee) from Cafecito Bogota, Ms. Carol entered and told us about this fund-raising effort she was putting together. Needless to say both the proprietor of Cafecito, Freddy Varela, and I found these childrens’ plight absolutely heart-wrenching. Individuals and businesses interested in making a donation should contact send an email to dbsjess (at) aol (dot) com be sure to include “PS 31” in the subject line.


Miss Heather


4 Comments on From P.S. 31: Three Children In Need

  1. Jessica_Ward on Wed, 20th Apr 2011 4:41 pm
  2. your information is wrong, Ms. Scarlato did not go to any stores trying to raise money today. More importantly you need to take down my moms phone number (Ms. Carol) thats for stores not for websites anyone can access. If you need info, contact the school before you post these things.

  3. missheather on Wed, 20th Apr 2011 4:51 pm
  4. I just spoke to your mother and everyone is on the same page! Thanks!

  5. Ivana on Wed, 20th Apr 2011 9:06 pm
  6. Jessica – you must be kidding. the school phone number is available anywhere online even on the school’s website in the “contact” section – this is a website that “anyone” can access just like this blog. you should be thankful that this kind of letter was posted online instead just passed out to “stores”. posting this online ensures that a much larger number of people who can help are reached.

  7. missheather on Wed, 20th Apr 2011 9:11 pm
  8. Everything’s “cool” as far as I know, Ivana. Although I have to wait for an OK to post anything else. That’s their prerogative and I respect it.

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