Quicklink: Trailer Trash!

Those of you, gentle Greenpoint readers, who have been wondering (as I have) why there are (at last count) eight trailers gracing our waterfront your search is over: Aaron Short of The Brooklyn Paper has the answer! And man oh Manischewitz is it a doozy. Follows is a teaser from his tome:

…About 25 plaid-clad pastorals hitched their trailers to a dream in a former nut-roasting factory on Meserole Street in 2009 — paying a mere $600 a month for rent and utilities.

The collective’s creatives were drawn to the vehicle village’s video editing and painting studios, wood and ceramic shops, free-range chicken farm, fish pond, and of course, the BBQ.

But the complaints of neighbors who didn’t understand country living — and disliked the smell of propane — forced the trailers to move to a back yard leased by Kings near Waterbury Street…

Oh, it gets better alright…

Reading is believing, folks.

UPDATE, 4:51 p.m.: Yours truly and the Mister went to India Street to check in on our trailer park with a view. It would appear one of these campers has been commandeered by our local vagrants. Mere breaking and entry or a cutting edge counter-proposal to the homeless shelter slated for 400 McGuinness Boulevard? I’ll let you, dear readers, make the call!

Miss Heather



One Comment on Quicklink: Trailer Trash!

  1. rutila on Fri, 1st Apr 2011 4:08 pm
  2. I just got to this post and its follow-up. Brilliant You Tube videos!

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