Transmitter Park, Updated!

July 9, 2008 by
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 



Last night the Parks Department unveiled the revised plans for Transmitter Park— and they looked fantastic! The modifications from the original plan include moving the entrance to Kent Street, eliminating the pods on the pier to make it more friendly to marine life, a kayak launch and a pier for future ferry service! Click on the above image to see a larger image of the revised plan for yourself. Here are some highlights.

A rendering of the new pier which includes a “fish-cleaning pod”.

Why someone would want to fish on the East River —much less take their catch home and eat it— is beyond me. Then again, I am a vegetarian.

Here’s an artist’s rendering of the pier. Care was taken by the designers to ensure it was sufficiently elevated.

A rendering of the bridge and overlook on the waterfront.

The play area was downsized. Barbara Vetell, a member of the Friends of Transmitter Park Committee aired concerns about animals living in the “raised sand play area“.

In any case, here are a few appointments planned for said play area.

Here’s a cross-section of the shore of the park.

All in all it looked like a very nice proposal. But when will it happen?

Miss Heather


3 Comments on Transmitter Park, Updated!

  1. digitalfront on Wed, 9th Jul 2008 10:37 am
  2. Looks good! I think the GP Ave. entrance will get the most use since it will have the most foot traffic.

  3. rowan on Thu, 10th Jul 2008 7:45 pm
  4. what kind of animals?

  5. wordbrooklyn on Fri, 11th Jul 2008 8:52 am
  6. Wow, I’m loving these new plans! There is a “fish-cleaning station” on the pier in LIC as well, and I always wonder who uses it, but it’s nice to have a sink there, even if you’re not going to clean fish on it. I’m excited, I think this park will be a great addition to the neighborhood. And a ferry stop would be AWESOME.

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