It’s Hard To Say Goodbye

June 30, 2008 by
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

I imagine many of you have noticed there are some new faces at the Franklin Corner Store of late. This is because two weeks ago it changed ownership. Andre’s uncle, the owner, divested of all his property in New York City and has moved on to Pennsylvania. Andre is still on hand to make sure the transition goes smoothly. The same great sandwiches will still be served by the same staff. This includes Oreo, who as of today was making sure no one was trying to steal the Pirate’s Booty under her watch.

Andre’s last day will by July 13, 2008. The very next day he and his fabulously adorable son will fly to the Dominican Republic to spend two WHOLE MONTHS with his parents. Now that’s what I call a vacation!

Why not swing by and wish him safe trip and thank him for seven years of fantastic Cuban sandwiches?

Miss Heather

P.S.: I have also been told the new owner plans to do a complete renovation of the store, so if you want to capture the old Franklin Corner Store grab your camera and get down there!


3 Comments on It’s Hard To Say Goodbye

  1. DukesSoups on Mon, 30th Jun 2008 11:23 pm
  2. Sad to hear…hope they don’t change it too much. Do you know if Andre is coming back to the store after his vacation?

  3. Citizen Skein on Tue, 1st Jul 2008 7:16 am
  4. This is terrible news. I’ve got dibs on this:

  5. missheather on Tue, 1st Jul 2008 10:05 am
  6. Andre will not be coming back, although he said he’d swing by occasionally.

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