From The New York Shitty Inbox: A Dispatch From The Astral

A tipster (who sent me the above photo) writes:

This is why I always lock my door when I am home. It goes without saying that I lock it when leaving the apartment. My neighbor noticed it, too, but had no ideas as to which apartment it was. I’m guessing the note writers didn’t want to divulge that information. No idea if the police, the landlord or the super were informed.

Unrelated to that, she also told me that last summer shots were fired outside the building. She called the police. I had heard the noise but was unsure of what it was. The police came and found the gun tossed into one of the garbage cans out front. Yikes.

Sigh. Feel free to share the note photo via NYS if you like.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. While Greenpoint is one of the safest neighborhoods in the city bad things and can do happen here. I cannot over-emphasize how important it is that we s citizens take simple precautions such as keeping the front doors of our buildings and individual apartments closed and locked. As the above anecdote clearly proves there are people here waiting for the right opportunity to cause trouble.

Miss Heather


One Comment on From The New York Shitty Inbox: A Dispatch From The Astral

  1. a neighbor on Thu, 10th Mar 2011 11:50 am
  2. The fact that someone somewhere thinks that it’s an okay thing to leave your front door unlocked AT ANY TIME is why our part of Brooklyn remains a magnet for petty thieves.

    Maybe if you live in a small town in Ohio you can do this. But you can’t do it in Brooklyn.

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