Greenpoint Fashion Watch: Meet Jane & Delores

February 27, 2011 by
Filed under: 11222, BAD ASS, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

I have seen this charming (and fabulously stylish) pair of ladies strolling along Manhattan Avenue on a number of occasions. Today, feeling cheeky, I finally got up the nerve to strike up a conversation with them. I’m glad I did. They were awesome!

Me: I hope I am not bothering you, but I have seen you both around quite a bit. And I have to say I really like your sense of style.
Both: (laughing) Really?
Me: Absolutely. (to Jane) Is that a Hello Kitty bag?

Sure enough, it was.

Jane (at left, pointing to Delores): She plays music at one of the local churches. I carry her sheet music for her in this bag.
Me: Well, it’s really cute. I have a pair of Hello Kitty earmuffs. They even have little kitty cat ears on them.

This was met with much approval by this winsome duo. They introduced themselves and while shaking hands I managed to spill tea on myself. Being prepared for such eventualities, Jane gave me a handful napkins from her purse. I thank her and ask if I can take their photograph. I explained that I photograph people in the neighborhood on occasion. Jane clarified that she does not live in Greenpoint (but Delores does!)— and then asks:

Where are you from originally? You are obviously not from around here.

After taking a deep breath I explain:

I am from Texas originally. However, I have lived in Greenpoint for 11 years. This is my home.

After a little discussion amongst themselves they agree. When I am done, I show them the above photograph. Delores tut tuts:

Just look at my hair. It’s flying all over the place.

Me: You look great!
Delores (pointing to Jane): Of course she looks good. She was a fashion model.
Jane: Back when I was eighteen years old! (pointing at Delores) She was a concert pianist.
Me: You both look great.
Jane: Wearing this? After I retired I put most of my clothes away. I never wear them. I’m more interested in being comfortable.

I assured both ladies there is nothing unfashionable whatsoever about being comfortable. Especially when it involves basic black and is paired with classic red lipstick. Some looks are truly timeless.

This post is for you, Jane and Delores. If I have so much as a shred of your style and joie de vivre when I am your age I will consider my life well spent. You are two very classy— and sweet— ladies. Keep making Manhattan Avenue beautiful!

Miss Heather


6 Comments on Greenpoint Fashion Watch: Meet Jane & Delores

  1. SpillConspirator on Sun, 27th Feb 2011 9:17 pm
  2. I agree, their look is timeless!

  3. missheather on Sun, 27th Feb 2011 9:37 pm
  4. Having lived in southern California and Texas, both of which seem to place a great deal of emphasis on artifice (Read: wearing make-up to the gym, fake boobs, tanning-booth abuse, etc.) I really dig these ladies. Why mess with perfection? And these ladies— despite their protestations to the contrary— are perfect. An understated application of make-up with hint of red lipstick augments— not conceals— what god (nature or whoever) gave them. Fabulous!

    More than anything else these women were beautiful because of their personalities, not their looks. It was a pure joy to meet and learn more about them. Greenpoint at its very finest!

  5. rowan on Mon, 28th Feb 2011 4:50 pm
  6. Love this. Were you able to ascertain how long they have been friends? They seem to have a rare chemistry that comes with good friendship.

  7. MagnoliaThunderpussy on Mon, 28th Feb 2011 7:16 pm
  8. absolutely love this post. I agree with Rowan, I would love to know more about them.

  9. missheather on Mon, 28th Feb 2011 7:21 pm
  10. Maybe the next time I see them I’ll chat them up some more? From what little I did get from them they clearly have had fun lives!

  11. MagnoliaThunderpussy on Tue, 1st Mar 2011 8:46 pm
  12. I plan to be like that when I’m “older..” 😉

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