New York Shitty Video du Jour: Notice of Eviction

February 15, 2011 by
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

As I have mentioned previously, earlier today I attended Lincoln Restler’s Notice of Eviction press release at 65 Commercial Street. Without further ado here is the footage. Enjoy!

Miss Heather


4 Comments on New York Shitty Video du Jour: Notice of Eviction

  1. kat on Tue, 15th Feb 2011 5:54 pm
  2. Thanks for posting Heather. I’ve been in the dark about this one but will definitely be following/helping out going forward.

  3. eagle_teater on Wed, 16th Feb 2011 9:50 am
  4. Why are these things always scheduled at an hour when most of us are at work? I would have loved to show up for this and I know a bunch of friends who would have as well but 11:30 on a Tuesday??? What the hell?

  5. missheather on Wed, 16th Feb 2011 9:55 am
  6. @Eagle_teater: unfortunately this seems to be the usual mode of operation. Since Lincoln Restler was the person who organized this event perhaps you should take this matter up with him? I’ll be more than happy to pass along your sentiments if you wish.

  7. eagle_teater on Wed, 16th Feb 2011 12:11 pm
  8. Well, being an ex-newscameraman, I actually do know the answer. The media is working on stories for 5 o’clock during these times. This is something that’s always bothered me about these types of protests…it’s organized for the media rather than for the community. Which makes it easy for the target to cynically dismiss the action as propagated by ‘trouble makers’. I covered the Al Sharpton/Pagones Defamation Trial. Every day, Sharpton trucked in about 15 to 20 paid protesters. Guess what footage the producers chose to use every day. Mid to close range shots of the same 15 people. Was that representative of the community?

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