From The New York Shitty Inbox, Part III: Turnstile Woes

This item comes from a gentleman we’ll call E. He writes:

Dear Miss Heather:

The following is a letter I sent to Assemblyman Lentol today. I intend to CC the MTA as well. Can you shed any light on this issue? Thanks for all the great work you do!

Thanks for the kind words, E. They are greatly appreciated! As for “shedding light on this issue” I honestly do not have a clue— hence why I am posting your letter here! Thoughts and/or advice, anyone?

Miss Heather


One Comment on From The New York Shitty Inbox, Part III: Turnstile Woes

  1. Kai on Sun, 13th Feb 2011 5:07 pm
  2. The vending machine went missing several years ago and last year the MTA finally updated the sign above the stairs to reflect that. I’m guessing it was vandalized and deemed not worthy of replacing.

    As to the one HEET: This is a problem at all secondary entrances, unfortunately. I’ve seen the Queens-bound one at Greenpoint Avenue’s India Street entrance to be down frequently, for example. I really wish they had two at these entrances.

    As for getting the MTA to notice? They seem to be pretty responsive on their Twitter account:

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