Reader Comment of The Week

June 13, 2008 by
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

Lucky Pierre writes (in regards to this and this post):

Howdy Miss Heather — Love your blog, even though I live on the opposite coast. This image, and your recent film about the newly illuminated sewage plant prompted me to write and tell you that there is a petition circulating here in SF to rename our sewage treatment facility after GW Bush. I think it’s rather fitting.

It look like our friends on the left coast have beat us to the punch. But nonetheless this brings up a very good and overlooked point: our sewage treatment plant does not have a name. Thoughts, anyone?

Miss Heather

UPDATE: Karl Rove has been suggested.


3 Comments on Reader Comment of The Week

  1. pietro on Fri, 13th Jun 2008 3:23 pm
  2. For years, before becoming a parent, I have called it “the Ass Factory.” Now, with Greenpter kids running around my house, we call it affectionately, “the Poop Factory,” companion to “the Poop Ship” which docks opposite our house several times daily.

  3. rowan on Fri, 13th Jun 2008 5:11 pm
  4. Name it after Donald Rumsfeld.

  5. missheather on Fri, 13th Jun 2008 5:14 pm
  6. I am sort of fond of Karl FISCHER, myself.

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