…And The Results Are In!

Remember that vote about how the ~$7,000,000 of funds the DEC recently allocated against nearly 40 years of being non-complaint with DEP regulations should be spent? Well, here are the results.

One thing I found of particular interest was individuals under the age of 21 we classified as “youth votes”. It rather bothered me, truth be told. If 18 years of age is good enough for city, state and national elections (and registering for the draft which would theoretically— if not in reality— result in some of these youths being sent to fight for their country) why are these individuals not classified as adults? So I emailed David Rivel (of the City Parks Foundation, which conducted this process) to ask why.

And here’s his answer.

So there have you.

Miss Heather

P.S.: Only 699 responses?!? God that’s pathetic.


2 Comments on …And The Results Are In!

  1. rutila on Mon, 10th Jan 2011 10:45 pm
  2. Regarding what you consider a low voter turnout, may I point out that I heard about this vote only a day or two before it happened — from this very blog! I knew it was important to voice my opinion via ballot, but I was worried I was not going to make it because I’ve been staying late at work. Therefore, the lack of votes can be explained by poor publicity from the organizers and inconvenient times. (Correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe the voting began in the afternoon? When Election Day rolls around, I’m up at the crack of dawn because I know how busy I get after work.)

    Thanks for posting the results. I’m disappointed the renovation of existing facilities didn’t rate higher — but that’s democracy in action!

  3. missheather on Mon, 10th Jan 2011 11:19 pm
  4. @Rutila: I knew it was important to voice my opinion via ballot, but I was worried I was not going to make it because I’ve been staying late at work. Therefore, the lack of votes can be explained by poor publicity from the organizers and inconvenient times.

    Now, now… had you been a member of Open Space Alliance North Brooklyn (I’m not, but Julia Morrow has not seen fit to remove me from their list) you would have known not only when and where to vote but also what to vote for: $10,000,000 “boat house and educational center” (against $7,000,000).

    You wrote: Thanks for posting the results. I’m disappointed the renovation of existing facilities didn’t rate higher — but that’s democracy in action!

    No, that’s what happens when very select and organized group(s) of people take action.


    Steve Hindy doesn’t live here (He lives in Park Slope). But as a “businessman” he has somehow become empowered to shape our community. Care to take it back?

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