Quicklink: This Is Why We’re Angry

This item comes courtesy of my friend at Sheepshead Bites. Please give it a read as the content makes it all too clear how some neighborhoods get more diligent treatment than others. On that note I am going to crib— with credit— Sheepshead Bites work so as to illustrate the difference between my street and Bloomberg’s.

“Patience” my ass. This B62 bus (and numerous others) parked on our thoroughfares are not only inconveniences which afflict working Brooklynites but Long Island Cityites as well. But why should that matter? We do not live in Manhattan.

Well done, Bloomturd!

Care to juxtapose your block with Bloomies? Send me a 300 by 400 pixel jpeg and I’ll do the rest!

missheather (at) thatgreenpointblog (dot) com.

Miss Heather

Photo Credits: The photo of Bloomberg’s block was taken by BrooklynQ, the blogger behind WhiteTrashBBQ, a NYC barbecue website.


6 Comments on Quicklink: This Is Why We’re Angry

  1. Lisanne! on Tue, 28th Dec 2010 7:31 pm
  2. They made sure that parts of Manhattan were so clear that marbles could roll down the street. Your street and mine, a bucolic “winter wonderland” cum “Nightmare from Hell”.

    It’s been speculated by MTA employees that it could be days before southern Brooklyn gets normal train service again. But every neighborhood outside of Manhattan is hurting to some degree. Of course, our expectations of being able to get to our jobs, get emergency aid, (police, fire, ambulance)or even take a short walk (some of the intersections can barely be crossed)are unreasonable, or so I read in the mayor’s various remarks.

    Secession is starting to sound very much like a excellent consideration right now.

  3. missheather on Tue, 28th Dec 2010 7:58 pm
  4. Lisanne!: Have you ever read about the vote to annex Brooklyn to New York City? You should. It passed by just over 1,000 votes. If my memory serves me correctly Gravesend and the south end of our borough made it happen. Nothing personal. We all have been screwed equally since.

  5. Lisanne! on Tue, 28th Dec 2010 8:22 pm
  6. I have a copy of the Lexow hearings that were held after the referendums in 1895. True, the “seizure” of Gravesend, New Utrecht and Flatbush gave the consolidationists the motivation to push it through the State Legislature. The citizens of the former southern towns voted more strongly for consolidation, they were quite irked that their choice to be separate entities was not considered. They figured New York was more remote and therefore less likely to squeeze their resources. Brooklyn, OTOH, was largely split. During the first referendum there was more support for consolidation than in the second. There was great concern that Brooklyn would become secondary to Manhattan, that Brooklyn taxes would be raised without a significant return on that increase.

    The Lexow hearings are online at Google Books I bought my copy many years ago at the Strand.


  7. missheather on Tue, 28th Dec 2010 8:46 pm
  8. This is why I love you Lisanne!

  9. Lisanne! on Tue, 28th Dec 2010 8:49 pm
  10. Thank You!

  11. missheather on Tue, 28th Dec 2010 8:53 pm
  12. As Chip would say to Dale: No, Thank you! Methinks I’ll cook up a special post and dedicate it to you.

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