St. Cecilia’s Update

May 30, 2008 by
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

Earlier this month I wrote about the rumored sale of St. Cecilia’s holdings to developers. Well, after receiving a very angry phone call from my upstairs neighbor (whose son is an honor student this institution) this morning I have more to report. Per my neighbor, parents were given one month’s advance notice that the school would be closing. That’s right folks. ONE MONTH. AT THE END OF THE SCHOOL YEAR.

Initially parents were assured their children would be accepted to neighboring institutions. This appears not to be the case. Now my neighbor and the parents of other children attending St. Cecilia’s are scrambling to get their children placed into other schools —only to find they are not accepting new students.

In other news I have been told the school— and by that I mean the building proper will be converted into condominiums. Because, you know, that part of Greenpoint doesn’t have enough ‘luxury’ housing already. Why waste money educating our youth when there’s a buck to be made! Priorities, people!

Miss Heather


4 Comments on St. Cecilia’s Update

  1. jake_tuff on Fri, 30th May 2008 11:34 am
  2. This story pleases The Veridien, the soon to be 2nd most hated building in Greenpoint. Thanks for the sleuthing Miss Heather.

  3. amandabee on Fri, 30th May 2008 12:27 pm
  4. And the people in these condos, they’ve perhaps joined the voluntary human extinction movement? Or will they want to send there own children to school at some point?

  5. jake_tuff on Fri, 30th May 2008 2:11 pm
  6. i dont see any sales records of yet, was it sold very recently?

  7. missheather on Fri, 30th May 2008 2:26 pm
  8. Honestly, I have no idea. I know that the properties are going to be sold by the diocese. I learned that two weeks ago. Today I learned from my neighbor (whose child attends this school) that SHE heard from the school’s secretary that it will be a condo conversion. Maybe they’re in talks with someone? Who knows. That said, by and large the grapevine here is pretty reliable. Let’s wait and see what happens.

    What outrages me more than anything is not the possibility of a condo conversion (at least this beautiful building would not be razed). Rather, it is how the children and parents were handled. They deserve to be treated better than this. Four weeks notice at the end of the school year is NOT enough notice to permit these parents to apply for outside schools.

    Fucking ridiculous.

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