Some Gift-Giving Ideas For Father’s Day

May 19, 2008 by
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

Since I was so lax about remembering Mother’s Day this year I have been extra vigilant about Father’s Day. The way I figure, having roughly one month at my disposal will give me time to make note, forget about it and remember with enough time left over to actually purchase a present in time. And when the latter most moment comes to pass I will head straight to Just For Fun without delay.

I noticed last weekend that they re-tooled their window display to showcase some gift-giving suggestions for dear old dad. I for one am drawn to this objet de arte. You see, Pa Heather recently decided to join the 21st century and get high speed Internet. As a result he has been tearing up the keyboard— much to my overloaded inbox’s chagrin. The way I see it, nothing says “cyber geek” (or “ask me about my castration anxiety”) like a disembodied fist donning a dagger and digital wrist watch. Such is the stuff sci-fi conventions are made of.

Of course I could always opt for the more pedestrian (and practical) pair of edible underwear. These come in creme de menthe flavor. Not only are they a tasty apertif but they leave the consumer with nice minty fresh breath to boot!


Miss Heather


One Comment on Some Gift-Giving Ideas For Father’s Day

  1. nbenford on Mon, 19th May 2008 8:43 pm
  2. Wow, so I wasn’t wrong when I suggested edible manties for fathers’ day! I feel much better, thank you, Miss Heather.

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