Greenpoint Photo Du Jour: Heroes

October 14, 2010 by
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

There’s a new pizza place in town— and you can find it here.

Miss Heather

P.S.: Has anyone checked this place out yet? If so, I’d like to hear with you! You can tender your review via comments or email at: missheather (at) thatgreenpointblog (dot) com. Your identity will remain anonymous if you wish.


One Comment on Greenpoint Photo Du Jour: Heroes

  1. eaglestreeter_redux on Fri, 15th Oct 2010 11:10 am
  2. I had a slice on Wednesday night. I would give it an A-. My favorite Greenpoint slice is the Grandma from Triangolo. This place doesn’t have a grandma slice yet, but their regular cheese slice is better than Triangolo’s. The crust is crisp but not as thin as the perfect NYC slice, but this actually manages to be a good thing somehow. I’d say the only thing keeping it from being an A slice is the sauce needs some kind of kick…it’s a tiny bit bland. However, the owner is extremely pleasant and said they will have menus with things other than pizza soon. I will be going back.

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