Bushwick Photo du Jour: Bushwick Avenue

April 30, 2008 by
Filed under: Bushwick, Greenpoint Magic, Williamsburg 

Today dear readers I spent the afternoon walking around Greenpoint, East Williamsburg and Bushwick posting fliers for next week’s bedbug workshop. When I reached the intersection of Montrose and Bushwick Avenue I was exhausted but my instincts told me to press on. So I did.

This was a very good decision.

Although I am very grateful to all the local business owners who were so kind as to permit me to post fliers (regarding subject matter that is admittedly less than savory) on their premises (they were great, all) the fact of the matter is after talking about nothing but bedbugs for three hours tends to make person a bit daffy*. Remembering what Carl Spackler said in the cinematic masterpiece that is Caddyshack, I decided to use these varmints as a means to aid and abet in their own destruction.

And that’s all she wrote.

Miss Heather

P.S.: In all seriousness, I could really use some help distributing more fliers in Bushwick, Greenpoint, Williamsburg and Long Island City. If anyone is interested in helping to get the word out please shoot me an email at missheather (at) newyorkshitty (dot) com

*My favorite conversation by far was with a bodega owner at the intersection of Franklin and Milton Street right here in Greenpoint. He was in the military and spent much time overseas. As he put it:

We would cover the mattresses with talcum powder. If we saw anything move we knew to go somewhere else.


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